Elements of a Good Story | 5 Tips to Hook Readers!

Elements of a Good Story

Stories are the oldest form of communication; we tell stories for a multitude of reasons, and they helped us progress and evolve as a race due to the message that each story contained within it. Stories worked to propel our civilization for a multitude of reasons.

They inspire, they motivate, they lead to change. Stories were told by revolutionaries to statesmen for the simple reason that they were a powerful tool in getting the masses motivated to work toward a common goal. They work in this regard because people need something to believe in. This has always been true and will continue to be true regardless of how much we evolve as a species. Today we are going to be looking at what the elements of a good story are. A guide by the top ghostwriting agency that will guide you on how to hook your readers. A good story is one that is universally recognized as being outstanding. What makes that the case is the fact that it follows certain rules and conventions that stories that aren’t as good don’t.

The Elements of a good story

story elements

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1. The Writer and their skill

We don’t normally wish to be so brash about the realities of good writing by starting off this way, but this cannot be ignored, and perhaps the most important aspect of a good story is the skill of the writer. A good writer can make all the difference in the world with how they convey their message in the story. A writer who is skilled will work towards crafting a masterpiece of words that will touch the hearts and minds of any reader who picks up their book. A good writer will know what they’re doing. Which is why it’s necessary that before you commit to writing a book, you must commit to writing stories and learn how to properly write.

You might be interested in the guide to start writing a story.

2. The structure of the story

This is the next most important bit when discussing the elements of a good story. You need to make sure you know the structure of the story. How to introduce the conflict, as well as the time spent on the conclusion as well as the pacing. All of these are necessary elements in crafting a great story. If anything is missing here, the story will not have the impact that you want it to. Making an interesting and structured story will make it a lot nicer to read through, allowing your audience to enjoy the flow of it and become more invested in the plot. Also, read the guide to planning the novel.

3. Great characterization


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Characters are the backbone of your plot. This is why they must be written with perfection and ensured that they are the most interesting and likable bits in the entire story. Never ever write your characters poorly as this can ruin an otherwise good plot.  if the characters are uninteresting and dull it will take away completely from the whole story. This is why you need to make sure your protagonists and antagonists both are really well-written and interesting. Make the story deeply detailed and complex as much as you want but never compromise on the characters themselves. if you are having trouble writing a good character you can hire an expert ghostwriter to write it for you here is a list of 10 top platforms to get ghostwriting services.

4. Good plotting

Now is the time for the plot itself, when you have the previous elements down to a T. You can then fully focus on the plot which involves the central conflict (here’s the guide to creating a conflict). The introduction, and the conclusion. Use these 3 elements to write your story and make it an impressive page-turner that inspires and motivates people. The best way to work on crafting a good plot is by knowing how it will end.  As well as being completely certain what the genre of the story is and what conventions exist in that genre. The best books do not try to deviate too much from the existing conventions.  However, they try to write as well as they can with those conventions in place. Restrictions such as genre conventions aren’t bad things.  If anything they are what lead to creativity.

5. A perfect conclusion

The ending of a story should tie up every event that occurred in the previous events as much as possible.  Write this part of the story as smoothly as possible and don’t let it have any hiccups in creating a solid end to the tale by addressing all plot threads. Addressing every event in the story thoroughly.

Ensuring that all the characters are exactly where you need them to be and making sure that the events of the story all lead up to that one single point where this ending makes the most sense. A lackluster ending hurts the impact of a story a lot.  Lacking a conclusion is a recipe for disaster and can be a huge letdown to the readers as they had invested so much up to that point in the novel. Execute the ending perfectly.  Address all the elements of a story in the ending and cut out anything unnecessary.  It’s better to cut out unnecessary events of the conflict in the editing stage rather than drag it out in the conclusion.


Writing a story is all about ensuring that you are writing while keeping in mind the essential elements of a story.  Such as the plotting, the characterization, or the ending of the story. You have to address all the elements of a good story to become successful in writing. If you have to, then cut something out if its problematic. You can never compromise the elements of a good story. We hope that our article helped in teaching you about the elements of a good story.

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